Cornerstone Behavioral Health

Cornerstone Community Mental Health Services

Cornerstone Community Mental Health Services is designed to providing a positive, essential learning environment where each child is challenged in mastering academic progress and social skills, talents, and gifts both natural and spiritual that will enable students to be successful in their future endeavor. This spectrum of services is geared towards Mental Health & Behavior Modification, Psycho-Social Rehabilitation, Targeted Case Management, Therapy & Psychiatric Services, Individual & Family & Group Therapy, Assessments & Screening, Service Plan Development, Medication Management & Medical Services, Pharmacy Services, Addiction Education, Substance Abuse Services, Peer Pressure & Police Relationships, Establishing Healthy Supports & Relationships, Discharge Planning and Community Youth-wide education and enrichment programs. Other interest will be focused on Case Management, Life Coach, Youth Empowerment Camps, Academy and Learning Workshops, After School Mentoring, Modeling, Tutoring, and Enrichment Programs, Summer Camp, Adult Literacy & Computer Training, Drugs / Alcohol Prevention. Personal Hygiene, Character Building, Bullying, Self Esteem - Personal Development counseling, Anger Management / Conflict Resolution, Employability Skills, Parenting Classes, and G.E.D. Classes. Health and Wellness, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Sex and abstinence education, Community Redevelopment focused on Homeless Services, Public Health, Safety and Human Services, Transportation, Community Redevelopment, Housing , Homeless Shelters, Youth Programs, Performing Arts, Music, Toy Drives, Food Drives , Back to School charitable events and to create capital resources private and publicCornerstone Community Mental Health Services.

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